Hi, welcome to Reflection!
My name is Benjamin Jones and I have the
privilege of leading this beautiful community
Click below to learn a little more about my story and how God brought me here or scroll down to learn more about who we are…
Reflection Through Community
A place to be seen and known
We’re a community of Jesus followers who are being transformed to look more and more like Him. Our goal is to be R.E.A.L. in our pursuit. Check out our values to see what we mean…
Like Jesus, we invite others into our journey of faith. No matter what your background or status, you’re welcome to join us.
We see people where they are and meet them there. We all start somewhere and need encouragement from people who can relate to where we are.
We don’t fake it till we make it. We’re honest about where we are with the understanding that the truth is what sets us free.
No one has arrived. We all have room to grow and are humble enough to admit it. We make mistakes, but we don’t give up. We keep moving forward and learn as we go.
WHAT GUIDES US (Our Beliefs)
These are not just bullet points on a website, our community is built on these core beliefs. They guide us in our everyday lives and impact how we approach community.
AKA the sword or the ‘Good Book’. Without it we’re left to personal experience to interpret reality. The Word calibrates our lives to reality as God sees it. Did we mention that it’s alive?
AKA…well, there’s too many to list here. What’s MOST important is that there is only One. What’s mind blowing is that He has revealed Himself in 3 persons: The Father, The Son, & The Holy Spirit.
One of a kind. Fully man and fully God. He had the most unique entry (virgin birth), unique life (without sin), unique death (atoned for the sin of all humanity), unique after-life (came back to life then went to sit at the right hand of the Father). That’s not all, we’re waiting on His final act when He returns in power and glory to make all things new.
A beautiful, but often misunderstood concept. This is the solution for all people’s pain and brokenness. Sound too good to be true? It’s so good it could only be God.
AKA our ‘Helper’ or the secret sauce. He is active and present to help us live brand new lives that look more and more like Jesus Himself. Did we mention that He has gifts for us?
A future appointment set for all humanity. A date when all will be judged and sorted by God Himself. On that day there will only be 2 camps: those who go to be with God forever (Heaven) and those who are sent away from God forever (Hell).
AKA ‘the believers.’ A community of God’s people sent to fulfill God’s purpose. We were never meant to live out our faith alone; we need each other.
Curious to see what this looks like in action? Come check us out at our next service
Reflection Church is a member of Every Nation Churches. We would not exist without the support and encouragement of Every Nation Ministries. We are excited to be in relationship with the larger body of churches represented by Every Nation. For more information about our affiliation click HERE.